Thursday, June 30, 2011

So much change

I haven't blogged in a couple of months, so I thought I would spend a few minutes doing that today. Life has been so busy, but a good busy. My life has changed in so many positive ways. Just when I thought it couldn't be any better, something happens and it gets even better. Taking care of my precious Grandson Austin for the past several months has been a major blessing in my life, one that I will carry with me forever. I am working with a few people on missing cold cases and it's the most fulfilling work I've ever done. I'm also working as a full time Psychic/Medium and Healer now, and getting paid to do what I love. A year ago, I would have never Imagined my life would be where it is today. I never knew anyone could be this happy, or feel this at peace.
I've learned so much, and grown so much Spiritually, once I removed negativity from my life. A good friend once told me, if you want to move forward on your path, you have to be willing to close a few doors to situations that no longer serve a positive influence in your life, so that new doors can open. WOW was he ever right. Once I made positive choices in my life, doors started flying open for me. Is life perfect? No, but it's pretty dang awesome LOL Life will always have it's ups and downs, the energy vampires will always try to suck you dry, but with love in your heart, faith in the Universe, theirs nothing, I can't over come.
I am thankful every single day for my close friends and family that have encouraged and supported me through all the hard times, and continue to do so today. I think when you feel thankful for things you should say so, so that's what this blog is about. It's about being thankful for all the good and bad in my life, because if it weren't for both, I wouldn't have the amazing life I have now.


  1. Soooo very thankful for you! Thanks for being such a wonderful friend and letting me use your couch when I need it. ♥♥♥

  2. I have started my door shutting, taking a look at what is stumping me, what keeps me from moving on in my life, what I need to do about it.
    I have shut one door today. I'm moving on from it, maybe the door to take its place will be revealed shortly.
