Monday, February 28, 2011

Using our Spiritual Gifts to help others

I was asked to help out in working on a missing womans case, from 6 years ago. I was excited, and nervous at the same time. But more then anything, I was overwhelmed with the feeling that I was helping someone. I may not find her, or any proof of her murder, but I know in my heart that she knows we are trying. After spending over 10 hours in our search yesterday, I left feeling like I was letting her down, but also feeling like this is just the start. I know I was given the gift of Mediumship to help others, I don't care about money, or status, or ego, it's about helping those that can't help themselves, and the family's that grieve for their loves ones that are missing. Even if we only find their bodies, or something of them, it can give the family some closier. This is by far the most emotional, heart wrenching, humbling, feeling I've felt in a very long time....I know I'm on my right path, doing for others, without expecting anything in return, that is what brings the biggest blessings of all.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Great day with Great friends

Had an absolutely fantastic day. I met my friends Lisa, Pat and Donna for a late lunch, and we ended up talking and laughing for 5 hours LOL. It felt so nice to just sit and talk about nothing and everything. I am truly so blessed to have so many awesome friends in my life.

Friday, February 18, 2011

A day of reflection

As my beautiful Grandson sleeps, and I listen to his breathing, I reflect upon my life. Everything that has led up to "This" day, all the good and all the bad that has taken place, in order for "today" to be exactly as it is. Every detail of our lives is what makes us who we are right now, this very minute. All the trials, that I can now see have made me stronger, more determined to achieve the things I desire in this life, and I believe that my desires are manifesting one by one because I have not allowed, jealousy, ego, resentment or anger to play a part in my life. My desires have been to have all those dark qualities removed from my life, so that love, happiness, peace can dwell. I truly believe that I am being given these things, because they are the things that truly bring me closer to the divine. I'm not asking for money or fame or rewards, I'm asking for the things that really matter...I reflect on my life and I smile, because I "know" I'm exactly where I need to be in my life and it brings me peace. As I watch my little Angel sleeping, I feel so blessed, so loved, and completely content with my life. Doors have closed and doors have opened, I am thankful for ALL that has happened this past couple of years, I've learned from it, I've grown from it, I've moved on from it, and now, I get excited about every single door that opens and closes in my life, because when one closes, an even better one opens...Thank you Universe for allowing me to live this life, for all the challenges and experiences, it's made me the strong, determined woman I am today. Life is amazing, and I am loving every minute of it!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Creating Joy in our lives

For the past few weeks, I've watched people go from Happy, to sad, to depressed, to angry, yes I know all these emotions are all part of being human, however, as I've watched the changes I notice so many get to Anger, and stay there. I watch each day, and I think ok any day now they will go back to happy, but it's not happening. It's like they stand at the unhappy window, and peek out the curtain every once in awhile and see a little happiness, and they quickly close the curtain. Why would anyone want to stay in an unhappy situation? I mean most people know that our happiness depends on our choices we make in life. Just because we choose to be happy, doesn't mean we're always happy, no one is. But, we have the power to change a bad day to a good one, that power is within each person. Part of the research I'm doing right now, is based on Happy verses unhappy and why we choose what we choose. I even had one person I talked to say, no one chooses to be unhappy. Don't they? Isn't just about everything in our lives a choice? I mean, no we can't choose if someone we love dies, or we can't choose if someone treats us unkind..But we can choose how we let it effect us and our lives. So, as I gather my research, I plan to share it here, and maybe together we can make more sense of these emotions, and why some choose to live an unhappy life and others choose to live in Joy....Feedback is appreciated.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I love my ME time

I had the house to myself this morning, so I made brownies and baked some bread, then I came into my room, lite a white candle and had some ME time. I got grounded, and I saged my room, then had a wonderful deep meditation...With each meditation I grow just that much closer to my guides and Angels, and receive so many wonderful messages for my spiritual growth. I am on the right path for me, life is amazing, and I know it's going to just get better and better.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Love wins everytime

One of the things I was warned about when i started my spiritual teachings was that I would be attacked, it wasn't a matter of IF, it was a matter of when. Those that linger in the darkness, seek out those that walk in the light and try everything within their power to knock the light workers off their paths. Why? Jealousy? Evilness? Who knows, but they dislike anyone who's lives are brighter and happier, because we are a reminder to them, of how sad and dark their lives are. Misery loves company I guess. Being attacked with words of hate, only effects us IF, and only IF we let it. I am, I AM a walker of the light, I remove darkness that enters my path, I don't let ugly people and their words effect my life....I have what I like to call a shield of love & light around me all the time, so whatever is thrown at it, bounces off and hits the person sending it 10 fold. When I have days like this (attack days) it's just a wonderful reminder of how wonderful my life is, and how blessed I am to have the friends I have, that love me and support me through good days and bad....So throw stones, and see for yourself how hard they hit coming back to you....Always believe in yourself, always walk in the light, and don't let anyone or anything, stop you from being who you are~Namaste