Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Love wins everytime

One of the things I was warned about when i started my spiritual teachings was that I would be attacked, it wasn't a matter of IF, it was a matter of when. Those that linger in the darkness, seek out those that walk in the light and try everything within their power to knock the light workers off their paths. Why? Jealousy? Evilness? Who knows, but they dislike anyone who's lives are brighter and happier, because we are a reminder to them, of how sad and dark their lives are. Misery loves company I guess. Being attacked with words of hate, only effects us IF, and only IF we let it. I am, I AM a walker of the light, I remove darkness that enters my path, I don't let ugly people and their words effect my life....I have what I like to call a shield of love & light around me all the time, so whatever is thrown at it, bounces off and hits the person sending it 10 fold. When I have days like this (attack days) it's just a wonderful reminder of how wonderful my life is, and how blessed I am to have the friends I have, that love me and support me through good days and bad....So throw stones, and see for yourself how hard they hit coming back to you....Always believe in yourself, always walk in the light, and don't let anyone or anything, stop you from being who you are~Namaste

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