Saturday, February 5, 2011

Creating Joy in our lives

For the past few weeks, I've watched people go from Happy, to sad, to depressed, to angry, yes I know all these emotions are all part of being human, however, as I've watched the changes I notice so many get to Anger, and stay there. I watch each day, and I think ok any day now they will go back to happy, but it's not happening. It's like they stand at the unhappy window, and peek out the curtain every once in awhile and see a little happiness, and they quickly close the curtain. Why would anyone want to stay in an unhappy situation? I mean most people know that our happiness depends on our choices we make in life. Just because we choose to be happy, doesn't mean we're always happy, no one is. But, we have the power to change a bad day to a good one, that power is within each person. Part of the research I'm doing right now, is based on Happy verses unhappy and why we choose what we choose. I even had one person I talked to say, no one chooses to be unhappy. Don't they? Isn't just about everything in our lives a choice? I mean, no we can't choose if someone we love dies, or we can't choose if someone treats us unkind..But we can choose how we let it effect us and our lives. So, as I gather my research, I plan to share it here, and maybe together we can make more sense of these emotions, and why some choose to live an unhappy life and others choose to live in Joy....Feedback is appreciated.

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