Monday, February 28, 2011

Using our Spiritual Gifts to help others

I was asked to help out in working on a missing womans case, from 6 years ago. I was excited, and nervous at the same time. But more then anything, I was overwhelmed with the feeling that I was helping someone. I may not find her, or any proof of her murder, but I know in my heart that she knows we are trying. After spending over 10 hours in our search yesterday, I left feeling like I was letting her down, but also feeling like this is just the start. I know I was given the gift of Mediumship to help others, I don't care about money, or status, or ego, it's about helping those that can't help themselves, and the family's that grieve for their loves ones that are missing. Even if we only find their bodies, or something of them, it can give the family some closier. This is by far the most emotional, heart wrenching, humbling, feeling I've felt in a very long time....I know I'm on my right path, doing for others, without expecting anything in return, that is what brings the biggest blessings of all.

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