Monday, January 31, 2011

I feel more and more complete with each day

Just when you think life can't get any better, BAM it does. My middle son Jarrod and his wife Angie and my beautiful Grandson Austin have moved back to Texas. They just left here but I got to spend the most wonderful 2 hours with them. When I see Austin smile at me, it makes my heart so at peace and happy. Life has it's ups and downs that's just how life is, but oh the blessings far out weigh the downs. Theirs nothing more important then family and friends...And I am so very blessed with the very best of both. With each passing day, my life gets more and more complete. The people that are in my life right now, this very moment are the ones that are meant to be here, and I am thankful everyday I wake up that the Universe has seen fit to bring the most amazing people and things to my life...I am so very blessed.


  1. I am so glad they moved close to you guys! I know how much they mean to you! He is adorable!!

  2. Meee tooo Mickey, I'm soooo happy!!
